
IRISA team wins 2nd place for the Entity linking in French in the HIPE challenge
READ-IT are excited to announce that the IRISA team (Rennes, France) participated in the HIPE (Identifying Historical People, Places and other Entities) challenge. HIPE is a named entity processing evaluation campaign on historical newspapers in French, German and English, organised in the context of the impresso project and run as a CLEF 2020 Evaluation Lab. The IRISA team were runners up in ‘Named Entity Recognition and Classification…
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Dr Berit Janssen and Mr Jelte van Boheemen join READ-IT (1.06.2020)
Dr Berit Janssen (pictured left) and Mr Jelte van Boheemen (pictured right), both based in the Digital Humanities Lab, Utrecht University, have joined the READ-IT team as developers, working under Netherlands PI for the project, José de Kruif. Berit and Jelte replace Alex Hebing, who is leaving for a new post elsewhere. We would like…
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Reading during the Pandemic? ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ blog launched (5.05.2020)
What have we been reading during the current COVID-19 pandemic? How has the quarantine changed the way we read? And how have books (and reading) become even more important to us at this time? READ-IT UK PI Dr Shafquat Towheed together with his Open University colleague Dr Edmund King have started a ‘Reading and Wellbeing’…
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Dr Maya Parmar returns to the READ-IT project (04.05.2020)
Dr Maya Parmar (The Open University) has returned from maternity leave to resume her work supporting dissemination for public engagement and impact on the READ-IT project. She will be working part-time (1 day per week until 31.05.2020; 1.5 days per week from 01.06.2020). Dr Parmar has widespread experience of supporting public engagement in previous projects…
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Francios Vignale presents READ-IT
READ-IT Team Member François Vignale presented the project at Progedo, Nantes, on September 30 2019. The title of the workshop was : ‘Les enjeux de la réutilisation des jeux de données dans la recherche et l’enseignement’ (challenges of reusing datasets in education and research). This was closely followed by a presentation at Reseed, Paris, October…
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Reading and Identity Building
READ-IT PI, Professor Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, spoke at the 31ème FORUM PHILO LE MONDE LE MANS, “L’identité, pour quoi faire ?”/ “Identity, for what?” during November 2019.
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New Italian social media champion, Camilla Antonioni joins the team (10.03.2020)
The READ-IT team is delighted to announce that Camilla Antonioni (pictured above) has joined us as our new Italian social media champion, from March 2020. She will be tweeting and re-tweeting in Italian about the project and our public engagement events. Camilla Antonioni writes: “I’m Camilla Antonioni, born in March 15th…
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Open University History of Books and Reading seminar series, ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ (January-May 2020)
READ-IT UK team lead Dr Shafquat Towheed and his Open University colleague Dr Edmund King are co-running the annual History of Books and Reading seminar series at the Institute of English Studies, London. The 2020 series is on the theme of ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ and brings together speakers from a range of disciplines, including history,…
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READ-IT workshop at ‘The Reader in the Book’ conference, London 19-20.03.2020
Members of the READ-IT team from The Open University will be presenting the READ-IT project, running an annotation workshop, and encouraging public contribution via our QR enabled postcards as part of ‘The Reader in the Book: Books, Reading and Libraries in Fiction’ conference at the Institute of English Studies, Senate House, University of London, 19-20…
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The long history of books as gifts
The Conversation article ‘The Long History of Books as Christmas Gifts’ by Dr Leah Henrickson (Digital Humanities, Loughborough University) includes references to the READ-IT project, and quotes from project lead Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial. Read it here.
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