social media champion

Twitter Takeover for Book City Milano 11-15.11.2020
We’re very excited that our Italian social media champion Camilla Antonioni is taking over the @eureadit Twitter account for @BOOKCITYMILANO 11-15 November 2020. Follow our Twitter account for updates! Meet Camilla here:, and follow her on Twitter through @camiantonioni
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New French social media champion, Elena Prat, joins the team (28.10.2020)
The READ-IT team is delighted to announce that Elena Prat (pictured above) has joined us as our new French social media champion, from October 2020. She will be tweeting and re-tweeting in French about the project and our public engagement events. Elena writes: “I have a background in comparative literary studies and publishing and a…
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New Italian social media champion, Camilla Antonioni joins the team (10.03.2020)
The READ-IT team is delighted to announce that Camilla Antonioni (pictured above) has joined us as our new Italian social media champion, from March 2020. She will be tweeting and re-tweeting in Italian about the project and our public engagement events. Camilla Antonioni writes: “I’m Camilla Antonioni, born in March 15th…
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READ-IT introduces our Italian social media champion, Irina Clavenna
We are delighted to announce that Irina Clavenna (Università degli Studi di Milano) has now joined the READ-IT team as our Italian social media champion. Irina will be tweeting about the project in Italian (and English) and her Twitter handle is @irinaclavenna Irina says: “I am a student at the State University of Milan, where I…
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