Dr Sally Blackburn-Daniels joins the READ-IT team (1.09.2019-30.04.2020)
Dr Sally Blackburn-Daniels (Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Open University) has now joined the READ-IT project team for 8 months, from 01.09.2019 to 30.04.2020. She is based at The Open University and is a member of the UK team led by Dr Shafquat Towheed. She will be covering Dr Maya Parmar’s maternity leave. Dr Blackburn-Daniels has…
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New Publication (July 2019): ‘Reading and Gaming’
READ-IT Consortium PI Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, together with Chloé Aubry & Cora Krömer (all Le Mans University) have produced a new publication, “Reading and Gaming” in a special issue of the journal Publije (2019), Issue 1. This issue was inspired by the workshop “Gaming & reading: compare, contrast and complement” (ANR Reading in Europe, programme EnJeu[x]…
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READ-IT digital showcase at the SHARP conference (15-19 July), Amherst, USA
READ-IT project UK PI Dr Shafquat Towheed will be running an interactive digital showcase about the READ-IT project at the annual conference of SHARP (The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing), which will take place in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, from 15-19 July 2019. The digital showcase is scheduled for session 4.7 on…
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New Publication (June 2019): Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, ‘LA CONCEPTION ÉDITORIALE DU LECTEUR EN FRANCE DES ANNÉES 1950 À LA FIN DES ANNÉES 1970’
READ-IT project PI Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial has a new peer-reviewed, open access articled published – ‘LA CONCEPTION ÉDITORIALE DU LECTEUR EN FRANCE DES ANNÉES 1950 À LA FIN DES ANNÉES 1970 : en particulier dans les « discours d’escorte » de Jean Cayrol, Jean Paulhan et Gaëtan Picon’ – in Mémoires du livre/Studies in Book…
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New publication (May 2019): Reusing interviews and questionnaires from READ-IT UK members Towheed, Parmar & King
An important new article on questionnaires and interviews as sources of evidence in the history of reading, co-written by READ-IT UK PI, Dr Shafquat Towheed and his colleagues Dr Edmund King and Dr Maya Parmar (all at The Open University, UK) has just been published in the journal Participations (16.1, May 2019). You can read the…
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READ-IT introduces our Italian social media champion, Irina Clavenna
We are delighted to announce that Irina Clavenna (Università degli Studi di Milano) has now joined the READ-IT team as our Italian social media champion. Irina will be tweeting about the project in Italian (and English) and her Twitter handle is @irinaclavenna Irina says: “I am a student at the State University of Milan, where I…
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READ-IT related Symposium: “Pleasures and Displeasures of Reading”, 25-28 July 2018
Chloé Aubry (Le Mans University) and Cora Krömer (Le Mans University and Saarland University) co-organized the symposium “Pleasures and Displeasures of Reading” at the 16th Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media (IGEL) on 25-28 July 2018 at University of Stavanger, Norway. Two other PhD students, Kristina Hauer (University…
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Have you seen our short ‘meet the READ-IT team’ films yet?
Have you seen any of our short introductory ‘meet the READ-IT team’ films yet? If not, why not take a look at our YouTube playlist, which features 18 short films from members of the READ-IT team, speaking in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Czech. In the first short film, READ-IT consortium Principal Investigator Dr…
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READ-IT at the Imagine! Festival of Ideas and Politics, Belfast, 25.03.2019
Interested in finding out about what books and reading mean for people during times of conflict? If you want to take part in a discussion based reading group activity, why not join us Monday 25 March at the Café on the Square, Customs House Square, 6-8 Ulster Street, Belfast BT1 3EW, from 6.00-7.30pm? READ-IT UK…
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Want to be a social media champion? READ-IT is still recruiting! (deadline 1.04.2019)
Are you based in Czechia, France, Germany, or the Netherlands? Are you interested in the history and practice of reading in Europe from c.1700 to the present, digital cultures, and digital tools for researching reading? Are you active on social media? Are you willing to offer c.15 minutes each day to support the exciting Reading…
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