The Library Circulation Histories Workshop (19-30.04.2021)
UK Project Lead Dr. Shafquat Towheed, with OU colleague Dr. Edmund King, are offering a talk entitled ‘From RED to READ-IT’ at ‘The Library Circulation Histories Workshop’, on 20 April 2021. This event takes place as an online asynchronous event, with recorded presentations and a live forum discussion, from 19-30 April. Details of the event…
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The UK Reading Experience Database (UK-RED) is a pioneering project collecting reading experiences, for over 20 years. On 4 January 2021, the UK team of READ-IT released a new version of the UK-RED data including a documented ontology and mappings with the READ-IT Reading Experience Ontology and Crowdsourcing Experience Ontology and the CIDOC-CRM implementation of…
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New publication (May 2019): Reusing interviews and questionnaires from READ-IT UK members Towheed, Parmar & King
An important new article on questionnaires and interviews as sources of evidence in the history of reading, co-written by READ-IT UK PI, Dr Shafquat Towheed and his colleagues Dr Edmund King and Dr Maya Parmar (all at The Open University, UK) has just been published in the journal Participations (16.1, May 2019). You can read the…
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