
Conference news: “Reading Popular Culture Offline and Online”
READ-IT members Dr. Alessio Antonini, Dr.Francesca Benatti and Prof. Corinna Norrick-Rühl have co-written a paper titled “Reading Popular Culture Offline and Online: Outlining a Comparative Study of Reading Experiences Between Webcomics and Twenty-First Century Book Club Choices”. Benatti will present the paper at the upcoming conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities, at the…
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New reading questions on the Contribution Portal
The OU READ-IT team are pleased to present their new reading questions on the project Contribution Portal. The ten new postcard questions are available in Czech, English, German, French, Italian, and Dutch. Take a look, and see which question you get! The READ-IT team are interested in all types of reading experiences, habits and memories,…
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Annual SHARP conference ‘Moving Texts: From Discovery to Delivery’ (26-30.07.2021)
The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) will meet virtually in Münster, Germany, from July 26 to 30, 2021. Over 400 delegates will be attending to discuss research in the field of book history, broadly understood. The theme of this year’s annual conference “Moving Texts: From Discovery to Delivery” has inspired…
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Publication news: Reading Russia. A History of Reading in Modern Russia
READ-IT Associate Partner Prof. Damiano Rebecchini (Universita Degli Studi di Milano), with Associate Prof. Raffaella Vassena, is pleased to announce the publication of his latest edited volume Reading Russia. A History of Reading in Modern Russia. Scholars of Russian culture have always paid close attention to texts and their authors, but they have often forgotten…
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Colloque Humanistica 2021: Association francophone des humanités numériques (10-12.05.2021)
The conference Colloque Humanistica 2021, in Rennes (France), took place on 10-12 May 2021. READ-IT team members François Vignale, Guillaume Le Noé-Bienvenu, and Guillaume Gravier presented a couple of articles. One included: ‘ “Je pense que ça traite d’expérience de lecture, à voir …”: retour sur une expérience d’annotation collaborative’ (‘ “I think it’s about…
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International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature Conference (23-26.05.2021)
The Open University READ-IT colleagues Dr. Francesca Benatti and Dr. Alessio Antonini will attend the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature Conference, 23-26 June 2021. They will present the paper “Into the Macroscope: Systematic integration of micro- and macro-scale study of digital reading”, as part of panel E-Reading: Reading and researching with digital…
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Gender and Otherness in the Humanities symposium (20-21.05.2021)
On 20-21 May 2021, the Gender and Otherness in the Humanities (GOTH) symposium will take place virtually. GOTH is a research centre based in the School of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at The Open University. The interdisciplinary conference includes panels on textiles, transnational theatre, and women’s writing and book history….
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“Voisins”: Frontière, proximité et vivre-ensemble en Europe
Between the 31st of March and the 2nd of April, the online conference “Voisins”: Frontière, proximité et vivre-ensemble en Europe took place at Le Mans University. The conference, organised by READ-IT PL Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, gathered together scholars and early career researchers from a wide range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. All the…
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The Library Circulation Histories Workshop (19-30.04.2021)
UK Project Lead Dr. Shafquat Towheed, with OU colleague Dr. Edmund King, are offering a talk entitled ‘From RED to READ-IT’ at ‘The Library Circulation Histories Workshop’, on 20 April 2021. This event takes place as an online asynchronous event, with recorded presentations and a live forum discussion, from 19-30 April. Details of the event…
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Imagine! The Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics (22-28.03.21)
The OU READ-IT team are pleased to be joining Imagine! The Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics again this year, on 23rd March, 5pm, for a talk and interactive workshop entitled ‘Reading in the Pandemic’. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything. Confined to our homes, we have turned to books and reading for reassurance, contemplation…
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