
READ-IT keynote and presentations at ‘READING CULTURE AND LIBRARIES IN CHANGE’ conference, May 2019
Brigitte Ouvry-Vial and François Vignale will both attend and present at the ‘READING CULTURE AND LIBRARIES IN CHANGE’ conference, at the University of Turku, Finland, 22-23 May 2019.The conference is organised by the Consortium LibDat: Towards a More Advanced Loaning and Reading Culture and its Information Service, with the University of Turku. It seeks to address the…
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Have you seen our short ‘meet the READ-IT team’ films yet?
Have you seen any of our short introductory ‘meet the READ-IT team’ films yet? If not, why not take a look at our YouTube playlist, which features 18 short films from members of the READ-IT team, speaking in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Czech. In the first short film, READ-IT consortium Principal Investigator Dr…
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READ-IT at the Imagine! Festival of Ideas and Politics, Belfast, 25.03.2019
Interested in finding out about what books and reading mean for people during times of conflict? If you want to take part in a discussion based reading group activity, why not join us Monday 25 March at the Café on the Square, Customs House Square, 6-8 Ulster Street, Belfast BT1 3EW, from 6.00-7.30pm? READ-IT UK…
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Want to be a social media champion? READ-IT is still recruiting! (deadline 1.04.2019)
Are you based in Czechia, France, Germany, or the Netherlands? Are you interested in the history and practice of reading in Europe from c.1700 to the present, digital cultures, and digital tools for researching reading? Are you active on social media? Are you willing to offer c.15 minutes each day to support the exciting Reading…
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READ-IT related seminar: ‘#ireadeverywhere: Performing Readerliness Online’, 18.03.2019
Professor Bronwen Thomas (Bournemouth University) will be giving a seminar paper, ‘#ireadeverywhere: Performing Readerliness Online’ on 18 March 2019 (5.30pm) at the Institute of English Studies, University of London. Professor Thomas is an internationally recognised expert on screen reading and you can find out more about the research projects she has run, including Reading on…
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READ-IT related seminar: ‘Everyday practices of print vs. digital reading’, 4.02.2019
READ-IT WP4 researcher and COST E-READ (Action 1404) member Dr Anezka Kuzmicova (Stockholm University) gave a seminar paper, ‘It depends: everyday practices of print vs. digital reading’ on 4 February 2019 (5.30pm) at the Institute of English Studies, University of London. READ-IT researcher Dr Francesca Benatti with her colleague Dr Edmund King are currently co-running…
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Paper or Digital? Table d’hôte on the reading experience facultyclub Utrecht University.
What happens to us when we read? What effect does text have in our brain and what is the rol of linguistic, grammatical and rhetorical styles? Does it matter when and where we read and what we choose – paper or digital? What is the role our body plays in the reading process and what…
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READ-IT related seminar – ‘Digital Books, Digital Readers’, 28.01.2019
READ-IT researcher Dr Francesca Benatti with her colleague Dr Edmund King are co-running a seminar series on ‘Digital Books, Digital Readers’ in 2019. The first seminar is on 28 January 2019 (5.30pm) and the speaker is Dr Christopher Ohge (IES, University of London) who will be speaking on ‘Digital Marginalia’. The seminar series is run jointly…
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READ-IT technical team meet in Rennes, France, 19-20.12.2018
The second meeting of the READ-IT technical team took place on 19-20 December 2018 at CNRS-IRISA, Rennes, France, attended by Guillaume Gravier (CNRS-IRISA), François Vignale (Le Mans Université) and Alessio Antonini (The Open University). The meeting was an important milestone in the design of the READ-IT data model. First, we worked to harmonize the three…
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Press release: Open University researcher discusses READ-IT project and the ‘hidden history of reading’, 5.09.2018
The European READ-IT project was showcased in a press release for new research projects involving The Open University on 5 September 2018. Dr Shafquat Towheed (UK PI for READ-IT) explains how this exciting 3 year project brings together humanities and IT researchers from across Europe to help us to better under the ‘hidden history of…
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