Crowdsourcing Evidences
The READ-IT UK technical team have published an ontology for describing the READ-IT crowdsourcing of reading experiences on GitHub. This new ontology is used to describe the data collected through the READ-IT postcard campaigns, the upcoming READ-IT chatbot for telegram and manuscripts and other sources collected through the contribution platform. The use of the Crowdsourcing Evidences ontology…
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Release of the Experience & Observation
We’re pleased to announce the Release of the Experience & Observation (E&O). E&O is an ontology design pattern for describing the research case studies on experience. The E&O addresses the relations between sources of activities (e.g. reading) and the creation of observations of experience (i.e. sources of testimonies of experience), such as diaries, letters, marginalia…
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Award for FASS authors at Hypertext 2020 conference
On 15th July 2020, a paper by Open University researchers Alessio Antonini, Francesca Benatti and Sally Blackburn-Daniels was awarded the Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award at the 31stACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT’20), held virtually at the University of Central Florida. Their paper was entitled On Links To Be: Exercises in Style #2and…
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Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation
The paper ‘Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation’ tackles one the key findings of the modelling of the reading experience: the centrality of media in the author-reader interactions. The paper is the result of an intense collaboration between Alessio Antonini (READ-IT) and Sam Brooker (University of Richmond), and focuses on defining…
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Reading during the Pandemic? ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ blog launched (5.05.2020)
What have we been reading during the current COVID-19 pandemic? How has the quarantine changed the way we read? And how have books (and reading) become even more important to us at this time? READ-IT UK PI Dr Shafquat Towheed together with his Open University colleague Dr Edmund King have started a ‘Reading and Wellbeing’…
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READ-IT workshop at ‘The Reader in the Book’ conference, London 19-20.03.2020
Members of the READ-IT team from The Open University will be presenting the READ-IT project, running an annotation workshop, and encouraging public contribution via our QR enabled postcards as part of ‘The Reader in the Book: Books, Reading and Libraries in Fiction’ conference at the Institute of English Studies, Senate House, University of London, 19-20…
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Contribute to READ-IT at ‘Edinburgh: A City of Readers’ (20.11.2019), a free Book Week Scotland event
Edinburgh is famous across the world for being a city of writers. Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Muriel Spark, Ian Rankin and J.K. Rowling to name just a few, all lived and wrote here. But Edinburgh is also a city of readers. Join Dr Shafquat Towheed and Dr Sally Blackburn-Daniels from The Open…
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Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial presents READ-IT in Montreal, Canada (17.10.2019)
READ-IT consortium lead and project PI Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial gave an invited lecture on researching European readers from the 18th to the 21st centuries and presented the READ-IT project at Conference Midi-EBSI, University of Montreal, Canada, on 17 October 2019.
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Du patrimoine à la contribution
READ-IT Project Leader Dr. Brigitte Ouvry-Vial participated in a 1 Day workshop organized by the Ministry of Culture (France), the ANR (National Research Agency) and the Mediathèque of Architecture and Cultural Heritage on April 4, 2019 (Paris area). The topic was the role of communities in cultural heritage governance. The workshop involved speakers and scholars…
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READ-IT at the Frankfurter Buchmesse/ Frankfurt Book Fair
READ-IT project team members Dr. Corinna Norrick-Rühl (JGU Mainz) and Dr. George Ioannidis (IN2) will be presenting ‘READ-IT: Leseerfahrungen digital erfahrbar machen’ / ‘READ-IT: Reading experiences digitally experienceable’ at the ‘Studium rund ums Buch’ stage, Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH, Braubachstraße 16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland). The presentation will take place on Thursday 17th…
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