digital reading

Conference news: “Reading Popular Culture Offline and Online”
READ-IT members Dr. Alessio Antonini, Dr.Francesca Benatti and Prof. Corinna Norrick-Rühl have co-written a paper titled “Reading Popular Culture Offline and Online: Outlining a Comparative Study of Reading Experiences Between Webcomics and Twenty-First Century Book Club Choices”. Benatti will present the paper at the upcoming conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities, at the…
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Conference news: “Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext”
The paper “Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext” has been accepted, and will be presented at the upcoming ACM HyperText conference (30 August – 2 September 2021). The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of and a discussion on their “death and transmediation” in the era of digital and web authoring. The paper…
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International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature Conference (23-26.05.2021)
The Open University READ-IT colleagues Dr. Francesca Benatti and Dr. Alessio Antonini will attend the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature Conference, 23-26 June 2021. They will present the paper “Into the Macroscope: Systematic integration of micro- and macro-scale study of digital reading”, as part of panel E-Reading: Reading and researching with digital…
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Transmedia Beyond Definitions
The UK team members Francesca Benatti and Alessio Antonini are organizing the workshop “Transmedia Beyond Definitions” to bootstrap a cross-disciplinary discussion on the emerging practices of cross-media reading and authoring. The CfP is open for a number of contributions ranging from research papers, vision papers to flash talks. The submission deadline is February 5th 2021,…
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Circuits, Cycles, Configurations: an Interaction Model of Web Comics
In November 2020, Francesca Benatti and Alessio Antonini from the UK team of READ-IT, with Sam Brooker of the Richmond University of London, presented a new paper on Webcomics at the International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS2020). The paper “Circuits, Cycles, Configurations: an Interaction Model of Web Comics” discusses the role of non-diegetic interactions…
Read moreCora Krömer dissertation defence 14.12.2020
We’re pleased to announce Cora Krömer’s dissertation defence, 14 December 2020, on reading testimonies on social networks. Here is her abstract: Digital technology is transforming the production, circulation and reception of written culture. These changes provide an opportunity to examine reading practices, whose decline is regularly deplored, and the pivotal moment in HSS–new objects, terrains…
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Release of the Experience & Observation
We’re pleased to announce the Release of the Experience & Observation (E&O). E&O is an ontology design pattern for describing the research case studies on experience. The E&O addresses the relations between sources of activities (e.g. reading) and the creation of observations of experience (i.e. sources of testimonies of experience), such as diaries, letters, marginalia…
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New Publication (July 2019): ‘Reading and Gaming’
READ-IT Consortium PI Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, together with Chloé Aubry & Cora Krömer (all Le Mans University) have produced a new publication, “Reading and Gaming” in a special issue of the journal Publije (2019), Issue 1. This issue was inspired by the workshop “Gaming & reading: compare, contrast and complement” (ANR Reading in Europe, programme EnJeu[x]…
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New Publication (June 2019): ‘All We Do is “Stalking”: Studying New Forms of Reading in Social Networks’
READ-IT team member Dr Alessio Antonini (The Open University) and Associate Partner Dr Gustavo Gomez Mejia (Université François Rabelais, Tours) have a new peer-reviewed workshop article – ‘All We Do is “Stalking”: Studying New Forms of Reading in Social Networks’. This article provides an outline of an emerging reading practice – reading as stalking –…
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New publication (May 2019): ‘Reading seen as a Commons’ by READ-IT PI Brigitte Ouvry-Vial
An excellent article on ‘Reading as a Commons’ written by READ-IT consortium PI Prof Brigitte Ouvry-Vial has just been published in the journal Participations (16.1, May 2019). You can read the full article for free here:
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