Twitter Takeover for Book City Milano 11-15.11.2020
We’re very excited that our Italian social media champion Camilla Antonioni is taking over the @eureadit Twitter account for @BOOKCITYMILANO 11-15 November 2020. Follow our Twitter account for updates! Meet Camilla here: https://readit-project.eu/2020/03/10/new-italian-social-media-champion-camilla-antonioni-joins-the-team-10-03-2020/, and follow her on Twitter through @camiantonioni
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New French social media champion, Elena Prat, joins the team (28.10.2020)
The READ-IT team is delighted to announce that Elena Prat (pictured above) has joined us as our new French social media champion, from October 2020. She will be tweeting and re-tweeting in French about the project and our public engagement events. Elena writes: “I have a background in comparative literary studies and publishing and a…
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New Italian social media champion, Camilla Antonioni joins the team (10.03.2020)
The READ-IT team is delighted to announce that Camilla Antonioni (pictured above) has joined us as our new Italian social media champion, from March 2020. She will be tweeting and re-tweeting in Italian about the project and our public engagement events. Camilla Antonioni writes: “I’m Camilla Antonioni, born in March 15th…
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Have you seen our short ‘meet the READ-IT team’ films yet?
Have you seen any of our short introductory ‘meet the READ-IT team’ films yet? If not, why not take a look at our YouTube playlist, which features 18 short films from members of the READ-IT team, speaking in English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Czech. In the first short film, READ-IT consortium Principal Investigator Dr…
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Want to be a social media champion? READ-IT is still recruiting! (deadline 1.04.2019)
Are you based in Czechia, France, Germany, or the Netherlands? Are you interested in the history and practice of reading in Europe from c.1700 to the present, digital cultures, and digital tools for researching reading? Are you active on social media? Are you willing to offer c.15 minutes each day to support the exciting Reading…
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Breaking news: READ-IT Twitter account is now live!
The READ-IT project Twitter account is now live, with nearly 100 followers already – we are on Twitter as EUREADIT with the handle @eureadit. Please follow us, share your news, and retweet our news. You can find information about the project, a downloadable flyer, together with links to the project website and partners on our…
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