Reading Experience

Publication news: Reading Russia. A History of Reading in Modern Russia
READ-IT Associate Partner Prof. Damiano Rebecchini (Universita Degli Studi di Milano), with Associate Prof. Raffaella Vassena, is pleased to announce the publication of his latest edited volume Reading Russia. A History of Reading in Modern Russia. Scholars of Russian culture have always paid close attention to texts and their authors, but they have often forgotten…
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The Library Circulation Histories Workshop (19-30.04.2021)
UK Project Lead Dr. Shafquat Towheed, with OU colleague Dr. Edmund King, are offering a talk entitled ‘From RED to READ-IT’ at ‘The Library Circulation Histories Workshop’, on 20 April 2021. This event takes place as an online asynchronous event, with recorded presentations and a live forum discussion, from 19-30 April. Details of the event…
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Brigitte Ouvry-Vial attends a round-table on digital technology for cultural heritage
On 12 March 2021, Brigitte Ouvry-Vial presented READ-IT at a round table about Cultural Heritage ‘From one technology to another’, within the Digital Technology and Heritage- Challenges and Issues Conference, organized by the ANR (French National Research Agency) and the EU-Joint Programming Initiative for Cultural Heritage ( Other participant projects included RESEED, KAMOULOX, EPIQUE, all…
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The UK Reading Experience Database (UK-RED) is a pioneering project collecting reading experiences, for over 20 years. On 4 January 2021, the UK team of READ-IT released a new version of the UK-RED data including a documented ontology and mappings with the READ-IT Reading Experience Ontology and Crowdsourcing Experience Ontology and the CIDOC-CRM implementation of…
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READ-IT launches its friendly chatbot
Fancy having a chat about your reading in realtime? Now you can, with the project chatbot. Our friendly bot will ask you questions about your reading, interact with your answers, and suggest further reading and engagement opportunities. You can find the READ-IT chatbot on the Telegram platform: If you’d like to download the Telegram app…
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Release of the Experience & Observation
We’re pleased to announce the Release of the Experience & Observation (E&O). E&O is an ontology design pattern for describing the research case studies on experience. The E&O addresses the relations between sources of activities (e.g. reading) and the creation of observations of experience (i.e. sources of testimonies of experience), such as diaries, letters, marginalia…
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KMi Fest at The Open University
On the 14th of November 2019, the Knowledge Media Institute celebrated its 25th anniversary in the OU Library: a KMi Festival. Among the showcase of KMi cutting-edge research, Dr. Alessio Antonini presented READ-IT project and the progress made in the first year and half of activities in modelling the reading experience.
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Paper or Digital? Table d’hôte on the reading experience facultyclub Utrecht University.
What happens to us when we read? What effect does text have in our brain and what is the rol of linguistic, grammatical and rhetorical styles? Does it matter when and where we read and what we choose – paper or digital? What is the role our body plays in the reading process and what…
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