
READ-IT annotation and contribution workshop in Glasgow (11.12.2019)
Want to learn more about how to identify the evidences of reading in printed texts? Want to contribute your own thoughts and experiences of reading to our new European research project, READ-IT? If the answer is yes, or you are just curious to find out more, join us for this free READ-IT public engagement workshop…
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New Publication (April 2019): Alessio Antonini, ‘Developing a meta-language in multidisciplinary research projects: the case study of READ-IT’
READ-IT UK project team member Dr Alessio Antonini has a new peer-reviewed workshop article – “Developing a meta-language in multidisciplinary research projects: the case study of READ-IT”. In the workshop article, Antonini reports on the use of philosophy in developing a research language in a project involving multiple disciplines. He discusses the case of READ-IT…
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