Technical meeting

READ-IT Consortium Meetings, 20-21.10.2020 (online)
The Open University were pleased to host the most recent consortium meeting on the 20-21 October 2020. On 20 October, we focussed on individual reports from all colleagues on different work packages, presentation and discussion around technical developments, annotation campaigns, and public engagement. On 21 October, we had an exciting research day, where members of the consortium and…
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READ-IT technical team meet in Rennes, France, 19-20.12.2018
The second meeting of the READ-IT technical team took place on 19-20 December 2018 at CNRS-IRISA, Rennes, France, attended by Guillaume Gravier (CNRS-IRISA), François Vignale (Le Mans Université) and Alessio Antonini (The Open University). The meeting was an important milestone in the design of the READ-IT data model. First, we worked to harmonize the three…
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