Award for FASS authors at Hypertext 2020 conference
On 15th July 2020, a paper by Open University researchers Alessio Antonini, Francesca Benatti and Sally Blackburn-Daniels was awarded the Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award at the 31stACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT’20), held virtually at the University of Central Florida. Their paper was entitled On Links To Be: Exercises in Style #2and examined marginalia and annotations as “links to the future” that authors insert into what they are reading in the present, in order to help them write in the future. The paper used examples from the digitised library of British author Vernon Lee.
Reviewers praised it as “an outstanding paper” and as “quite literally one of the most fascinating reconsiderations of marginal comments as a digital literary tool I’ve seen”. The annual Hypertext conference is a premium venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on all aspects of modern hypertext research, including both technical and literary contributions.
An open-access version of the paper is available at the link below: