Contribute to READ-IT
The READ-IT team are interested in all types of reading experiences, habits and memories. If you’d like to share with us your reading stories, you can do so in several ways:
1. Receive a pack of postcards in the post, to fill out and return to us in a pre-addressed stamped envelope. Simply call UK project lead Dr. Shafquat Towheed on (+44) 01908 659089, leaving a message with your name and address, to register for a pack of reading experience postcards. Once we have posted these out to you, you can fill these in at home, at your leisure, and return them to us.

2. Talk to our chatbot today. Our friendly bot will ask you questions about your reading, interact with your answers, and suggest further reading and engagement opportunities.
You can find the READ-IT chatbot via the web browser in various languages: English, French, Italian and Dutch. It is also available on the Telegram platform in English, French, Italian and Dutch.
If you’d like to download the Telegram app on your device, to access the chatbot, follow these instructions:
- Download and install the Telegram app on your preferred device, mobile or desktop – Smart Phone, Tablet or Laptop, using this link or by visiting your App Store. Just search for ‘Telegram’
- Once you have installed Telegram and set up your account, click the URL link above, which will take you to ReadItBot
- Now open a dialogue with the Chatbot, typing ‘hi’, ‘hello’ or ‘start’ (English) or the equivalent in the language you choose
- Respond to the questions and complete a conversation. If you don’t like the question asked, type ‘next’ for another question
- You can terminate the dialogue at any time by saying ‘no’ or ‘stop’
- The chatbot will ask you if it’s ok to contact you again, and it will do so two more times in the following days
All the data that we gather from the public for the READ-IT project via the contribution portal is fully compliant with current GDPR rules. You can read the full document detailing how we deal with you data here.
3. coming soon! Explore and annotate existing sources available on the READ-IT annotation platform
4. coming soon! Upload and annotate your own sources on the READ-IT annotation platform