Open University History of Books and Reading seminar series, ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ (January-May 2020)

READ-IT UK team lead Dr Shafquat Towheed and his Open University colleague Dr Edmund King are co-running the annual History of Books and Reading seminar series at the Institute of English Studies, London. The 2020 series is on the theme of ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ and brings together speakers from a range of disciplines, including history, psychology, publishing studies, medical humanities, and creative writing, with practising bibliotherapists. The first seminar is on Monday 3 February 2020, with Laura Blair (Queen Mary, University of London) talking about ‘Reading as a treatment in the 19th century asylum’.
All seminars take place on Mondays, 17.30-19.00 in room 243, Institute of English Studies, Senate House, University of London, WC1E 7HU and are free to attend – just register via the online link here. The full programme is available here. QR enabled postcards from the READ-IT project will be given out at the seminars, to encourage public contribution to the project.